Saturday, January 31, 2009

Conversations In My Head

I think a lot. I often think more than I talk. Some do the opposite, but I'd say they both have the potential to be put in the "problem" category.

I say it's a problem because the thought comes at the expense of action. This is not good. I generally want to speak up, but am to afraid to take whatever risk is associated with my words. I'm getting a lot better at this balance.

And guess when this happens the most; when I'm angry. I get really frustrated at someone and walk away (not having said anything). As I walk, I realize "that would have been the perfect comeback!" I then run back to them and shout it in their face. Actually, I don't do that last bit, but I always wish I would have been thinking on my feet a little better during my argument. Of course, I am ultimately grateful that I'm not the witty slanderer that I imagine myself being, since that is a sin (I could find more).

Other occasions for these conversations to take place are when I want to encourage someone, when I'm waiting to pray in a group, when I am infatuated with a girl, when I am driving, etc. Basically, if I regularly have conversations with you, I've probably had a few that you weren't around for. So the next time you see me, ask what I said. Maybe I'll actually get it out. :-)

p.s. I don't know why I'm all about James tonight.

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